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Monday, April 13, 2015

Alright so I feel bad.

I've completely forgotten about this blog, until I found out that my little sister's club penguin account was hooked up through this email, and then of course I have to go back through and check out everything that I've written. And yikes, did I have some bad ideas as to where this was going. So I would like to apologize to anyone, who, after two years, is still somehow seeming this. I plan on overhauling this blog, because I no longer like how it looks and everything else in general.

When I get around to this is the problem.

You see, I have another blog going on, under my writer's name.

I will also restart the story from where I actually have it written down on paper, because I REALLY don't like how it is right now.

So, my final words are that I'm back, and to be patient with everything, because my other blog is a slightly higher priority. So don't freak out if I go a while without anything (although I promise that 2 years likely won't happen again). Thanks!

-Al (Or Carter. That's my author name, although neither are my actual name).

You can find my other blog here: